Saturday, April 28, 2007

Response to rumors and misinformation....

There are a few misinformed individuals starting to spread false information and causing some confusion among family members. We address these below:

1) A judge is collecting money from family members: ANSWER: False.

Doing something like this would cause any judge to lose his/her job in addition to facing criminal penalties.

2) The genealogy report has been completed and is now going to be taken to a judge for approval: ANSWER: False

As of April 28th, 2007, the genealogy report is NOT yet complete.

3) Weed and Seed project is the same as the “Affidavit of Heirship”.

ANSWER: False.

Sending in an Affidavit of Heirship to the Family Research Team in place of a Weed and Seed will be inadequate for our purposes. Please review the message board to see what the requirements are for the Weed and Seed project.

4) The Willis Family Research Team is the same as the Family Committee.

ANSWER: False.

Please use the provided communication methods to get information about what the Research Team is doing. Consulting with someone outside of us about our initiatives could cause confusion and HOLD BACK PROGRESS.

5) Weed and Seed will be posted on the message board. ANSWER: False

ALL Weed and Seed information is to be sent to for internal use of the Research Team.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Deadline for Weed and Seed...May 7th, 2007

Hello all,

In order to speed things along we are requesting that all direct heirs (with computer access) email their "weed and seed" information no later than Monday, May 7th, 2007. Thats a little more than 2 weeks from the time of this writing. This should be enough time for everyone to help out. If you dont know what to do then read the previous post on this message board about the weed and seed.

If you are family and you want to benefit from our information then we ask that all heirs send us their own 'weed and seed' information.

After the May 7th deadline, we are reserving the right to ONLY assist those who ahave sent in their weed and seed information. We've posted enough information online to keep everyone informed about general information but specific questions not answered online will be reserved for those who are cooperating with our efforts.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

First task...Weed and Seed...instructions

Hello family,

Its been several days since a new post has been added to this message board so here is another one. If you dont know by now then you all should be working on the 'weed and seed' portion of our family project. If you dont know what to do then here's a quick run down:

1) Make a list of all surviving immediately related family members on the Willis side of the family ONLY. This would include:
--legally adopted children
--first cousins (on the Willis side)
--Siblings (born from your parent on the Willis side)
--Immediate Aunts and uncles (siblings of your parent on the Willis side)

2) Make a special note of anyone who has a questionable lineage with the Willis family. An example of questionable lineage would be step kids (or "play cousins") who grew up in a Willis heir's household but didnt get adopted by the heir.

3) Send the weed and seed list to

Thats it! That's all there is to it.

By taking the above very simple first steps, our family can cover alot more ground in genealogy work then what the genealogist can do alone. Thats if everyone works together. By cooperating on this, we can accomplish (as a group of 200/300 family members) alot more in a lot shorter time frame than one individual genealogist.

Although there's a professional genealogist working on our behalf, one person cannot match the efforts of hundreds of people in the same family and working together in an organized manner.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

New email address to report recent sicknesses and deaths

Hello Family,

We're still putting together material to have everyone work on so sit tight. We will be sending something out in the the next couple of days or so. In the meantime, we are establishing a method of getting the word out about Willis heirs who are gravely ill in a hospital bed or have passed on recently. We're doing this for 2 reasons basically:

1) To reach out to other family members going through tough times.
2) To keep up with the changing dynamics of the family make-up so that it can be adjusted accordingly on any records affecting our family business.

If you know of anyone among the Willis heirs who is being hospitalized for a serious life threatening illness OR just passed away, then please send details to the following email address:

Someone from our team will contact you asap.

Friday, April 6, 2007

A word about attorney's and other 3rd parties

After plenty of emphasis was placed on this subject at the April 1st meeting, it seems that there is yet some confusion about the information discovered and produced by the research team being used by 3rd parties. So let us say this again in another way:

The Willis Family Reasearch Team will N-O-T be sharing our information with any 3rd parties (attornies, banks, etc.) for any reason. We dont need them because WE have what THEY need and there's no point in having them profit from the work that we've already done ourselves. If ANY direct heir wants to hire any 3rd party for any reason then thats their prerogative. We dont have any problem with that at all. We've already explained the pros and cons with that but its your right to do so. However, let's make this clear once again, those 3rd parties will NOT benefit from our work. We hope this is clear with everyone now.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Answers to questions from April 1st meeting

Well here are the answers to your questions you wrote down on your info cards at Sunday's meeting. As was stated earlier; some may be answered directly via email to those who asked sensitive questions. Your question may have been abbreviated for the sake of time.

We're going to start the Q/A off with the most popular question that's asked in some form or another:

Qestion: How much longer until we get paid?
Answer: This is a 2 part answer--
1) Timeframe varies depending on how many people are willing to participate versus effort needed.
2) You can start on your own timeframe because you dont have to wait on anyone if you are a direct heir.

Q Do we need to set up a trust fund?
A Thats a personal decision.

Q How many acres have been found so far?

A Alot more than most people realize.

Q What can I do to help?
A Keep your eye on this message board and your email inbox for futher developments.

Q Will heirs move forward collectively or should they hire personal attornies?
A Individual decision. We discussed this at the meeting

Q Whats the next step when info is presented to the judge?
A What info would that be? Any individual heir can move when they choose to do so

Q What heir are they trying to disinherit?
A Not to sure about this question. Please rephrase and send it via email.

Q Can you be more specific that "it a work in progress" regading the genealogy report?

A As was said at the meeting: "thats a question for the genealogist because she is the one working on it"

Q Who has direct contact with the genealogist?
A The "family committee" members would be able to answer this question. Contact one of them.

Q Do we still owe Tony Wright (attorney) any monies?
A The "family committee" members would be able to answer this question. However, he's only connected with the genealogy work. There's alot more to this project than the genealogy report.

Q How is this case styled in the court if it has been to court?
A This isnt a "court case" unless an heir has gone to court on their own behalf. Only aspect of this dealing with the court is the genealogy report itself because it has to be approved by a judge as being accurate.

Q How do I help my mom get her money?
A If your mom is a direct heir and she approves of you working on her behalf then stay plugged in to this message board and your email address you gave to us at the meeting.

Q Where was the money that was taken up at the last meeting (March 16th 2007)?
A You'd have to talk with the ones who held that meeting because we werent involved with that one. Ask the "family committee" members about this.

Q Can you tell me the line of succession the money will flow?
A Read the rules for "descent and distribution" in the Probate laws for the State of Texas

Q Why are some getting money and others arent?
A Just like any other thing worth having in this world. They went out and put forth the effort and reaped the benefits.

Q What happend to $5K taken up atthe last meeting?
A The "family committee" members would be able to answer this question.

Q How will fake family members be dealt with?
A According to the laws of the land.

Q How much money do we know is there?
A Who is "we"? If you are a direct heir, then your focus should be on your portion. Anything else is nonessential for you because you'll only get whats coming to you and nothing more.

Q Will the heirs have a copy of the genealogy report when its completed?

A Thats the plan in general. If you've PAID your portion ($50.00) to the "family committee" or any other designated person for this then you should be getting your own personalized copy of the report with only YOUR direct link information on it. The current rough draft report has all of the family on it. This isnt the correct way to distribute it because thats sensitive information about people's whereabouts and contact information.

Q Is the genealogy report complete?

A No

Q Do you know the actual amount or estimate?

A See above answer to a similar question.

Q How do we get on the team?

A Keep coming back to this blog and checking your email for more developments

Q Do I need my birth certificate?

A Yes

Q Will there be any backpay from where it begins?

A Yes, if you know what you are doing.

Q When do we need an oil an gas attorney?

A You can hire one on your own if you'd like but thats your decision alone.

Q Does the genealogist need help?

A We wouldnt know since we dont talk to her. The "family committee" members would be able to answer this question.

Q How much its going to be?

A how much is "what" going to be?

Q How many children does Anderson Willis have?

A Check the genealogy report when its completed

Q How much money is involved and how will it be disbursed?

A Disbursement is explained in the Probate law fo the State of Texas. Money amount is based on how much is owed to you and what you can locate.

Q Why cant we get info?

A About what? Can you be more specific?

Q What can I do to help?

A visit this blog on a regular basis

Q How can I get a copy of the genealogy report to see if my name is on it?

A When its accurate, completed and ready to go then we'll try to let everyone know in a timely fashion.

Q What is the status of our case?

A Its not a court case in a general sense. Its more of a "recovery effort". The court is being used mainly to approve the genealogy report when it is finalized.

Q When will the geneaology report be read?

A There wont be a reading of the report. The idea is for everyone to have their own copy

Q How many children supposed to get paid?

A Just the direct heirs only.

Q How may geneations are they paying?

A The closest generation to Anderson Willis for any given situation until those people themselves die. Then its the immediatly next generation who will get paid unless a will is present. Then its a matter of who the inheritance is willed to.

Q My father would like to know how he would keep up with information?

A Its assumed that he doesnt have Internet connection. If this is so then we should have a phone number for him if the Info Card was filled out

Q How can we better our situation on the gealogy list?

A By helping to clean it up and make sure that only real family members are listed.

Q Could we get family members to help the genealogist?

A Yes of course. This is what we are working on now so that everyone, who wants to, can help out by helping to clean up the genealogy report. More on that coming soon.

Q When will all of this legal stuff be done?

A The more heirs helping out, the faster we can go.

Q What way will you weed out the fake family members?

A Discreetly

Q What companies are invloved

A Confidential information

Q If I paid the wrong leg what was asked, do I still get credit?

A (Im assuming this is about the genealogy report) It doesnt matter which leg you paid it to. Just make sure you have a reciept for your payment so that you can get your copy of the report.

If you dont see an answer to your question, either we couldnt understand the writing or it was confidential OR we didnt have a contact sheet for you on file.


Hello again family. We know that many of you have been waiting to get the answers to your questions you asked at the April 1st meeting on the contact forms. We will start posting those answers shortly and HOPE to have them all posted on this blog (message board) within the next 24 hours. Due to sensitive nature of some of the questions and the public nature of this blog, some of you may get answers directly to your email instead of being posted here. Stay tuned and thanks for your continued patience.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Slide Show Questions from the April 1st meeting

The following are the prepared questions and answers that were provided in the presentation at the meeting this past Sunday.

The new individual questions that were asked on the contact sheet handouts will be posted at a later time. There were hundreds of questions, so it will take a while to sort through and post the answers for those. In the meantime, here are the prepared questions and answers for your convenience:

Question: What's going on with this genealogist report?
Answer: Its still a work in progress and isn’t yet complete at this moment and time.

Q: Why are there rumors floating that we still owe Attorney Wright $5000. + dollars?
A: We wouldn’t be the best ones to tell you that since we haven't dealt with Tony Wright. We have some members of the family committee here who can best answer the status with Tony Wright at this point in time.

Q: What is the status of our inheritance?
A: Some people are getting theirs while others aren't

Q: What do we need to do as a family to move this process forward, without losing ground we have already covered?
A: Become organized and work together with one another in harmony.

Q: What information do we need to prove to the oil companies that we are entitled to royalty payments concerning royalties produced from Anderson Willis property?
A: This will be explained in this presentation

Q: Are there family members still living on or possessing property that Anderson Willis owned at the time of his death?
A: Maybe so. There’s still a lot of data to be sorted out but I would venture to say that most of it is probably known at this time.

Q: When we do prove to the oil companies that we are entitled to the Anderson Willis inheritance; will the family or the oil companies choose the order of payments?
A: Each adult direct heir has the right to go to the oil companies themselves directly at any time they are ready to do so. No one has to wait on anyone else.

Q: Why wasn't the Anderson Willis family lawsuits of the past a success?
A: You’ll have to speak with those family members who were there during those times for that answer.

Q: If all else fails, would the family consider talking to an attorney who works directly with the oil companies?
A: Approaching the oil companies is an individual effort in general. If someone wants their money then they can go to the companies themselves. It’s their legal right.

Q: What type of progress has been made with the Genealogy report?
A: It is yet to be completed.

Q: How much progress have we really made with all that has been done and legal documents that have been submitted to the oil companies by family members and our legal representatives?
A: This is an individual effort for each direct heir. No “we’ is involved unless you and other direct heirs have decided to work together.

Q: Is it true that Primerica has a trust fund set-up from the Anderson Willis case?
A: Any family member doing business w/ Primerica or any other 3rd party is an individual choice. This goes for attorney’s as well. There’s no one bank, attorney or any other 3rd party that is called the “official” representative for the family.

Q: How far has the research team gotten?
A: There’s a mountain of information discovered but a lot of work yet to be done to sort it out. The more people that lend the hand, the faster everyone can get paid.

Q: How much longer will it be before we expect to see our first check?
A: That’s an individual effort for each direct heir. Some people have already started to receive checks for along time now. Some of them are very huge checks too.

Q: Do we have enough people working on the research team? If not how can I get involved?
A: There’s plenty of work to be done and we’d love for more family members to pitch in. Stay tuned to this presentation to find out how to get involved.

Q: When will the genealogy report be completed?
A: That’s a question for the genealogist herself. I don’t imagine anyone here knows that answer with any certainty.

Q: After the genealogy report is completed what is our next step?
A: Watch the rest of this presentation to find out.

Q: Who hired The Wright Law firm and the Genealogist?
A: The research team cannot accurately answer that question since we weren’t present when this was done.

Is the Research Team the same as the "family committee"?

It seems that there is some confusion about whether the previously established "family committee" is the same as The Willis Family Research Team. Well let's put this confusion to rest now. We, the Research Team, are NOT the same as the "family committee".

Although the work regarding the genealogy report by the "family committee" is their main focus and an important one, the research team's focus is on the more broader and comprehensive picture that involves the genealogy report as well, but also includes the complete process of handling family business with mineral rights matters. Furthermore, we are not the ones dealing directly with the genealogist nor the attorney who is invloved with the genealogy report. That would be the "family committe". Contact one of them for more information about anything (including payments) to the attorney and genealogist working on this genealogy report. Our input in the genealogy report, at THIS point, is to make sure that those who are on it are supposed to be there.

Hopefully this will help everyone from now on to understand who is who.