Monday, June 4, 2007


Hello Family,

We are just about finish with the necessary work on the weed-and-seed. We will be updating you soon on the next steps in our journey so please remain patient and keep coming back here at least once a week for updates. Remember that we reserve the right to only assist those family members who have been cooperative with out efforts thus far. So if you have done your part in accordance with what we requested then expect to be kept up to date via your personal email on things that would be beneficial to you. Because of the public nature of the Internet, some things will only be sent via email if it's of a sensitive nature. Thanks.


dwalt said...

very very appreciative of the efforts you guys have put forth n order 2 organize!!! My GOD this is such a beautiful moment n a journey long traveled! PEACE & BLESSINGS

Anonymous said...

What in the world is this blog for? Seems like a bunch of mess made to try and hush people up. It is not informative as it could be and if the response to this message is going to be "You should email the Willis Group" stop in your tracks and save your fingers some agony. If youre really lucky and they respond you get a really rude response.

Somebody please send out some informative information that is not rude and demeaning to others. Oh and by the way the recommended reading link- that is something published by and individual and things of that nature usually contain incorrect information. I guess its a start but I wouldnt rely on it for anything other than a possible circumstance.

Willis Family Group said...
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Willis Family Group said...


Sorry you feel that way. Since we dont have a record of any emails from you, then can you please post the offending message that you claim was sent to you or anyone else so we can rectify the matter.
Although you have the right to voice your opinion about our efforts, we do take it seriously to always remain respectful and professional. If we have given you reason to doubt that then bring it to our attention so that we can correct it. Thanks.

Are you in the family, by the way?

fiestyfrieda07 said...

As you all have in your other postings the internet is a public sector in cyberspace and I will not be posting anything other than comments just as you all have in the past. If you review some of your own posting you will begin to see what I am referring to as rude. To answer your question about me being family -if I weren’t would I know the things I know? Would it do me any good to frivolously post my opinions? That would only waste my time.

Do not take my posting as an insult to a rather intelligent way to inform the family but rather as a suggestion to better inform you all of the frustration of a non informative site.Give people information that they can use. Being nit picky and pessimistic doesn’t get anything but further frustration and causes uproars.

Willis Family Group said...


Again, you have the right to your own opinion. Many family members have found this message board very helpful. Since it's you that found some of our postings negative, then its you who needs to point it out because we dont feel that we've posted anything negative on this blog. Once again, you are entitled to your own opinions.
Some things we will NOT post on this blog because of the public nature of the Internet. It would be irresponsible for us to do so. Its meant to be general in nature, yet informative for those who want to keep up with our efforts and to dispel any misinformed rumors that can cause confusion.
As far as asking if you are family, there are plenty of people that have been trying to get information about our family affairs for along time. Just because one claims family doesnt mean that we'll take it for face value. Anyone can make like they are anyone they want to for whatever reason. We've already had to deal with that recently from folks that had falsified documents.
Anyways, let us know how we offended you personally and we'll rectify it if thats whats called for. In the meantime, thanks for your comments.

fiestyfrieda08 said...

Well thank you for finding those falsified family members. ( If you all have picked out the false family members why isnt the report ready?)

But any way back to the subject matter I still dont think it is a good idea to post any of my personal information as you have stressed the sensitivity of matters and the public nature of this blog. I have not and will not post any of my information on this blog so please refrain from suggesting that I do. I would think that someone would take my opinions into consideration and do something productive with this site. You all should take "at face value" a suggestion that this site in not of any good assistance or information.

Since the fast responses have come I have been meaning to ask a specific question: What is the purpose of weed and seed if you all have hired a certified genealogist? I would like to think that this person should have been doing the research and compiling verifiable information. Isn't her job to swear in front of a Judge that the information being presented is in fact truthful? How do you know that the information that was given in weed and seed was true and correct?

Besides the pessimistic responses we all would like to know an answer to the big question( We already know that it will be said that its not known just yet) "When is that geneology report going to be done?" and "When can I get my check?" If we got good information from this site people would quit asking.

We are tired of paying our money and getting told all of these lies. Its seems like some fish is in these matters if you ask me.

Willis Family Group said...


Now I think I see where you are coming from. Since you mentioned the genealogist report, that let me know your frame of reference. We arent the same as the family committee. We've already answered the questions about the genealogy report on this blog. Please go back and read previous comments from the start of this blog and you'll have your answers about the report.
Also, we dont have anything to do with money being paid to the attorney genealogist or anyone else. That doesnt have anything to do with our team.

In the meantime, you seem to have alot to say about the same things so just send us an email so that these back and forth comments on this same subject dont take up too much space on this blog.

the email address is:

Again, thanks for your comments.

fiestyfrieda08 said...

I admit that I am very outspoken and want to get to the bottom of this. Another suggestion is that the “family committee” should start a blog for general questions, updates and comments or perhaps have some input on this blog. Communication is vital with such a big money thing- especially with all of us broke folks.

I perceived that general questions about the weed and seed could be discussed in this blog since it was spoken about before. It seems sufficient enough to correspond through the blog so that everybody else can get the same answers that I get and the telephone game can stop. That’s how these myths and tall tales begin. I know a family member who you can tell that “you got paid from your job a bonus for 30 years of perfect attendance and he will in turn tell everybody else that you said you got paid a settlement from a car wreck that you had in Susie Mae’s car and that you wouldn’t give Susie Mae a dime”. That telephone game is wrecking the attempts at organization here. I plead to you guys today to do something to stop it. :)

fiestyfrieda08 said...

Ohhh and....Family what do you all personally think about this- What is the purpose of weed and seed if there is a “Certified Genealogist” that is being paid? That person had to know what type of project she was taking on and should have had the manpower to compile proper data and meet a deadline so that people can stay off of their backs. Asking people to help her is like hiring an exterminator at your house but still asking all your friends and neighbors to help you kill bugs so the exterminators job can hurry and get done. It doesn’t make sense to me. Like I mentioned before she is going in front of a judge and certifying that the information given is true and correct. How does she know that what people say is the truth? I would think that she would need her and her staff to check with Social Security and Vital Statistics to check these people out. As everybody knows a lot of people have lied in the matter of how they are related. Does anyone know if this genealogist is who she says she is? Is she affiliated with any professional associations, how long has she been practicing, what governing board certified her?

EarnieMo said...

To Frieda-

I agree with you on that about the exterminator. I dont know the lady is where she come from but thats some questions that probably should have been asked. We need to get you on one of them boards cause you seem to know some things.

Willis Family Group said...


You have a point in general in regards to the genealogy issue. This is one primary reason for the weed and seed so that we can get a good idea of who is who and not have to wait on the genealogist to make moves. On the other hand, this genealogist has not till this day made any known effort to at least call a meeting so that all available family members can at least give her copies of vital records and so forth. There were many gaping holes in the first draft of the report that she released back in November. The family committee (not our team) would be the best ones to ask about the genealogists work since they are the ones who contracted with the attorney who hired the genealogist in the first place. As was stated on this message board sometime back, we aren't the ones who are handling the matter of the genealogy report. Furthermore, this genealogy report is only one aspect of many thats involved with this family business matter. Unfortunately our family collectively are finding it too hard to work together in harmony to deal with these things in an organized manner. If this genealogy report is hard for our family to deal with then we definitely aren't ready for the more complex aspects of this entire ordeal. These other aspects were discussed at the meeting that was held on April 1st of this year in Dallas. It makes the genealogy work look like child's play.
Many of the family members are coming around and being helpful but far too many are sitting back and asking the same tired question "when are we getting our money?" without making their own efforts to at least find out whats going on themselves and doing some due diligence. Now if anyone finds this as negative then they need to examine their own motives because NOONE in our family who are alive now are in position to make demands since NOONE alive is responsible for us being in this position in the first place. Its a gift/inheritance that we never worked for so the best thing to do is either pitch in and ask how to help OR sit back, be patient and let us as a family work on this without unnecessary hassles. Questions frm the family are okay and encouraged but if people are going to sit back and be critical of our efforts then I have one question for them: "Are YOU doing anything to help or just complaining?"

fiestyfrieda08 said...

I see the point. But again some people and myself have personally asked to help out and get no response at all or some rather rude response.

Can it be suggested that the "family committee" get a blog so we dont continually hound you with questions they should be answering? I understand that the phone questions can and are usually a big headache in itself because it becomes constant and of a repetitive nature.

Whats still to be done with weed and seed and how can "WE" help you guys out? That's pityful about that Genealogist. If no one puts fire under these people they will continue to take money and do nothing.

Anyways- Thanks for getting down to it.

janay25 said...

I have been following this case for my grandfather for a while now and when was reading about involving third parties on this family board I have come to a road block perhaps someone on this board can help me out- Why is it that those who have gone to a third party have gotten their inheritance and those who have stood by Tony Wright have gotten nothing? It almost seems as though there is some foul play involved with the family committee and Mr. Wright. In reading the questions it was said that there was no court case involved which I think is not true according to some research I did. When I get the chance I will post it and tell you all how to get it so you can see the original document and you all tell me if I am right or wrong.


Willis Family Group said...


Yes there are some court cases on an individual basis for a number of different reasons. In fact, court cases have been going on for at least 2 decades about this matter in general. However, our research team's efforts does not involved court cases, per se, other than just reviewing court documents to track down properties and what not.
As far as the family committee members dealing with Tony Wright, all I can say is that they have contracted to have him hire a genealogist and she (the genealogist) has not shown to be to competent in her work because she has been on this since the early part of 2006 (I think February)and nothing to really show for it except for a horribly disorganized and incomplete genealogy report rough draft that Mr. Wright's office released around October/November of '06.
This is one of the principal reasons for the Weed and Seed process because we didn't want our family efforts to be held hostage by an outside party.
Good questions. Thanks for posting your comments.

fiestyfrieda08 said...

Janay is right. Before you did post that this was not a court case. You posted the message below:

Q How is this case styled in the court if it has been to court?
A This isnt a "court case" unless an heir has gone to court on their own behalf. Only aspect of this dealing with the court is the genealogy report itself because it has to be approved by a judge as being accurate.

I smell a rat with that committee too. Its sure strange how they act. They are hiding something and we as a family need to find out what it is.

fiestyfrieda08 said...
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fiestyfrieda08 said...

After reading this posting again I am wondering what you mean by hassles? The fly by night answers and pretend sympathy is nothing other than crap. If it’s the continued probing questions people are asking- I thought perhaps this was what this board was for- to ASK questions so that we all get a clear understanding of what is going on. As for the statement- "Unfortunately our family collectively is finding it too hard to work together in harmony to deal with these things in an organized manner" It's absolutely pitiful to be such hypocrites when faced with the truth. It doesn’t take much to know a lie when you see or hear one. You all get mad when people ask questions because majority of that committee is responsible for FRAUDING. They can hush other people up but they can’t hush me up. If you all were working in the true favor of the family as a whole everything would not be so secretive. It almost seems like this whole ordeal should be turned over to higher officials and I guarantee if so my family will see what is rightfully theirs and those frauds will see the inside of a federal institution. Now that Janay25 said that she was going to post where to find some pertinent information on this matter things seem to have heated up and go back to demeaning. I truly support her and will look forward to hearing from her to find out where to go.

Willis Family Group said...


If you don't like what we are doing then you have every right to do things on your own but please don't trample on our efforts, especially if you aren't don't do anything yourself.

Also, once again, we are NOT the same as the committee so please get that correct.

Lastly, we've already asked (on July 3rd)that you send an email since you continue to progress on this subject. Since you wish to progress with this negative and uninformed manner about the same thing and not respect our wishes then we'll do what we need to do to maintain order on this blog.

Once again, the email address is

Please make good use of it. thanks.