Friday, April 6, 2007

A word about attorney's and other 3rd parties

After plenty of emphasis was placed on this subject at the April 1st meeting, it seems that there is yet some confusion about the information discovered and produced by the research team being used by 3rd parties. So let us say this again in another way:

The Willis Family Reasearch Team will N-O-T be sharing our information with any 3rd parties (attornies, banks, etc.) for any reason. We dont need them because WE have what THEY need and there's no point in having them profit from the work that we've already done ourselves. If ANY direct heir wants to hire any 3rd party for any reason then thats their prerogative. We dont have any problem with that at all. We've already explained the pros and cons with that but its your right to do so. However, let's make this clear once again, those 3rd parties will NOT benefit from our work. We hope this is clear with everyone now.


umoss said...

Now come on family this mess needs to stop.The research team is doing a great job. Now leave them alone and let them do their jobs,that's not right to try to pull 3rd. party mess.
Look at it like this no 3rd. party was interested in you and how you faired. Before now,so leave them out of it.Thae are only trying to squeeze into the money don't be a fool.

Willis Family Group said...


Thanks for the input. Hopefully we wont have to address this subject again in the future.

tr2thmjones said...

It has been a miscommunication in the imformation that was addressed
about the 3rd party mess. No one is
putting 3rd parties Or any other party in this. So don't get your
pants in a bunch, this has been fix. I'm sure the family will give another update about that.

Willis Family Group said...


This is a general message to everyone. There were a number of people sending emails regarding 3rd parties in the past couple of days. No need to take a personal tone about it on this message board. By doing so, you only expose yourself and make it seem to all that you are a guilty party. Just take it for what its worth and press on.

Willis Family Group said...


For future reference: We dont address individual specific matters in a public setting such as this message board anyways so if you had an issue regarding this 3rd party matter (or anything else) then that was addressed to you via persoanl email or it soon will be. So keep that in mind.

tr2thmjones said...

Is it true that once the genelogy
report is finish,it goes into probate court for judge to file?
IF so how much will that cost to
get it on file?

Willis Family Group said...


We're not sure about that particular information regarding the genealogy report, but we do know that the judge's role at this point is to verify the accuracy of it. In any case additional costs should'nt be a concern regarding the report because the genealogist and the attorney who hired her is responsible for the final product and thats what the money was being raised by the "family committe" is for. See if you can contact someone with the "family committe" to get more detailed information about the report.

Willie Jones said...

Hello Willis Family,

How do I go about getting the e-mail address or giving mine to the Family Committee?


Willie Matthew Jones

Willis Family Group said...

send email messages to:


kowens said...

I would like to say I am greatful for the work that the team is doing. And I know that there so much to be done. I am not trying to complain but I would like to know for the month of July are there any updates,on the progress. We as a family can't help but to be patience, but I would like some up dates monthly if possible. What is going on at this time,if nothing has changed, please let us know. Thanks and God Bless!!