Friday, August 3, 2007

Weed and Seed completed

Hello all,

We have completed the weed and seed work. At this time, we are sorting through a lot of information and putting things in order. As was mentioned before, the weed and seed is but on small (but important) aspect of this entire journey. We appreciate the patience and kindness from most of you. Unfortunately there are a couple of people who have been very rude, ugly and downright immature but most of you have been very respectable.
In addition to working on this, our team has also been dealing with our own individual personal priorities as well so everyone needs to take this into account as well. We aren't getting any type of payment from this at all. So, like most of you, we have to work and take care of our families and balance everything else around that. In the meantime, we are staying the course and are determined to get this done in one way or another. We will be getting in contact with family members in the coming days ahead about what's next. Until then, just keep us in your thought and prayers. Goodbye for now and thanks in advance for being available when needed.

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